We offer only the best in terms of innovative, results-based, on-demand, training products.

There's nothing more accommodating than allowing your learners to get the training they need whenever they want, wherever they are.
Our on-demand e-learning is full of innovative and engaging interactions. We provide a multimedia-rich environment for your learners so that they can take an active part in the learning process.
The best part is that the learning experience is tailored to and adapts for each person. Each person responds to dynamic and personalized content that branches to fit them individually. So, high performing learners move at an accelerated pace that fits them while low performing learners receive the extra help that they need.
With our e-learning that's branded just for your business, everyone is guided to successfully meet the objectives of the training. Guaranteed!

"I like taking tests," said no one. Traditionally, the high anxiety that's associated with tests makes them a negative experience. That's not the way it should be, and that's not the way it is with our engaging and personalized assessments.
Gone are the boring and intimidating tests. Say "hello" to multimedia-rich and customized assessments of how well your learners have acquired the knowledge that they need to.
Of course we offer the traditional test item types, such as true-false, multiple-choice, matching, short answer, and so on. But we also create innovative, free-form test items, like drag-and-drop, that turn any object into a test item.
Our assessments feel more like interactive and engaging e-learning. Learners actually have fun and enjoy the learning experience. You heard us right. We put "test" and "fun" in the same sentence!

There's no better way to grab the attention of your learners than video. Our tailored training videos will help them learn anything from from software to soft skills.
Our 3-5 minute learning bite videos are organized into playlists so your learners can learn exactly what they need in the shortest amount of time so they can get back to their day jobs.
But don't expect a passive learning experience from our videos. Learners are prompted to interact with what they're watching. There's definitely more than meets the eye.
And after watching each video learners take an assessment or comprehension check to measure how much they took away from the experience. If they didn't get something, they can go back and watch just that part automatically. So get out your popcorn and learn!

Who doesn't like to play games? A good portion of today's workforce are gamers and they learn best through gamification.
Our instructional games provide the motivation for this group of learners to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to complete their jobs successfully.
Our games go beyond the simple replication of popular TV game shows such as Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and so on, that are not relevant to the task or content of the training and, therefore, not valuable learning elements.
With the proper gamification design, we provide authentic and relevant scenarios that take learners through an interactive narrative where they must follow rules under certain time constraints in order to earn points and compete against peers. If you're looking to enhance your training, game on!

What if your learners could practice a new skill in an authentic environment without any risk? That's exactly what your learners will do with our simulations.
Our customized simulations provide an interactive world for your learners to practice anything from customer service to software without the fear of messing up on the job.
Your learners will have an immersive and engaging learning experience where they actually learn by doing. They're guided step-by-step along the way and given hints and feedback so that they're successful. This way, they make their mistakes in a safe environment and get the just-in-time help that they need without affecting your bottom line.
When they're ready, they go back to their day jobs with the ability to perform new skills successfully. Everyone wins!

We make managing e-learning, videos, simulations, assessments, and games easy. We deliver and track your content for you so you can focus on what you do best.
Our learning management system administration allows you to deliver your content directly to your intended audience exactly when you want them to access it. You control who can access what and when they can access it. You can make items available to or restrict access for individual learners or groups of learners.
We also track and provide clear and insightful reports on who's taken which e-learning modules and how they've done on each assessment. You can see individual answers and discover group trends. And your learners can see reports on their individual progress.
Our LMS administration makes sure that your learners get what they need and that you see how they're doing at an affordable price!